Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating Camps summer winter autumn spring 2024 ice skating camps in Europe, Russia, Asia.

upcoming camp in the city
Marianske Lazne
05.08.2024 — 24.08.2024
Figure Skating in Europe Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating in Europe Ryabinin Camps

Ratings: 5. Ratings: 5.00 from 5

Figure skating in Europe at the international figure skating Ryabinin Camps. The Alexander Ryabinin Figure Skating Academy provides figure skating training in many European countries: figure skating in Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, Turkey, and Poland, and figure skating in Belgium, France, Germany, and Luxembourg. Every year the number of countries in which we teach figure skating is increasing. We receive good feedback about the work of the coaching team from parents and athletes, this motivates us to develop! Figure skating in Europe is developing rapidly and we help figure skaters in this development. We offer regular figure skating camps, which are held by highly qualified coaches, honored masters of sports, and world figure skating champions from Europe and Russia. Figure skating in Europe with Ryabinin Camps Team is available for every skater, for beginners and professionals.

Figure skating in Europe during the summer is the least accessible because many rinks are closed for the whole summer and there is nowhere for skaters to train. Alexander Ryabinin International Figure Skating Academy solves this problem! Ryabinin Camps organize and conduct international figure skating camps in Europe, figure skating in Europe is available throughout the summer! We teach figure skating to both children and adults during the school holidays, so figure skating in Europe with the Ryabinin Camps Team is also available in autumn, winter, and spring. More information about figure skating classes in Europe can be found in the camps section.


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Dear friends! If you have any question, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

Figure skating camps of A.Ryabinin

Na Stínadlech 3280 CZ-41501 Teplice
+371 25926560


Address: LIELĀ IELA 19 - 2, MĀRUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40103994233
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV28HABA0551041782360 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater


Address: LIELA IELA 19 - 2, MARUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40203433245
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV58HABA0551053540451 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater

Application form