Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating Camps summer winter autumn spring 2024 ice skating camps in Europe, Russia, Asia.

upcoming camp in the city
Marianske Lazne
05.08.2024 — 24.08.2024
Autumn Figure Skating Camp in Kotka, Finland - private camp by order

Autumn Figure Skating Camp in Kotka, Finland - private camp by order

Ratings: 3. Ratings: 5.00 from 5

Figure skating - Autumn figure skating camp by order for skaters at the Finnish figure skating club «Kotkan Taitoluistelu» in Kotka, Finland. This is the second training camp of our coaches in Finland. The main objective of the camp is to increase the skills of skaters and improve their elements of figure skating. The training schedule includes ice classes and off-ice lessons at the gym. On-ice training sessions are held in mini-groups, with 5-7 skaters with one coach. This greatly increases the efficiency of training and in combination with training in the gym, children receive excellent intensity and progress much faster.

During On-ice training, skaters are working with the steps and gliding, and are learning new spins. of course, The biggest attention is for jumps, because jumps are the most difficult element of figure skating. Coach explains the technique of jumping and shows to himself, analyzes and eliminates technical errors, and gives skaters valuable advice. The training program certainly includes a variety of jump exercises, which makes it much easier to perform the jumps technically correctly.

This year the camp in Finland is held in late autumn. Winter is coming soon and it's time to think about winter camps. The International Figure Skating School invites skaters of all ages to take part in our upcoming figure skating camps, which will be held in Latvia, Moscow, Bulgaria, Finland, and Denmark. Detailed information about the camps you can find on our web page named CAMPS.


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Dear friends! If you have any question, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

Figure skating camps of A.Ryabinin

Na Stínadlech 3280 CZ-41501 Teplice
+371 25926560


Address: LIELĀ IELA 19 - 2, MĀRUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40103994233
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV28HABA0551041782360 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater


Address: LIELA IELA 19 - 2, MARUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40203433245
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV58HABA0551053540451 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater

Application form