Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating Camps summer winter autumn spring 2024 ice skating camps in Europe, Russia, Asia.

upcoming camp in the city
Marianske Lazne
05.08.2024 — 24.08.2024
Participant of the figure skating camp «Ryabinin Camps» perform at the Ice Show «Holiday on ice» in Germany

Participant of the figure skating camp «Ryabinin Camps» perform at the Ice Show «Holiday on ice» in Germany

Ratings: 2. Ratings: 5.00 from 5

Figure Skating in Germany. «Holiday on Ice» - the most popular Ice show in Europe, is currently conducting a winter tour in Germany. The tour includes 30 German cities. In order to promote German figure skating, the organizers of the tour gave German skaters the opportunity to take part in their popular Ice show. Every athlete had the opportunity to apply for participation in the ice show. Of course, the organizers had strict criteria for the selection of figure skaters and from each of the cities, only one candidate was nominated for the show.

Marie Jesske's parents sent organizers a video of her daughter skating, which resulted in Marie being selected for the «Holiday on Ice» in the city of Hannover. Marie was chosen by Alena Savchenko, Gold Medalist of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games. Now Marie has to perform in the show with figure-skating professionals, get a lot of ​​new emotions and invaluable experience.

In the summer of 2019, Marie Jesske took part in our European figure skating camp «Ryabinin Camps» in Latvia, where children are trained by experienced coaches from Russia. Our coaches appreciate her hard work, athletic ambition, and perseverance, which is an integral quality of character for an athlete who sets high goals. The leadership and coaching of the «Ryabinin Camps» wish Marie to continue to win victories. We invite every figure skater to attend our international figure skating camps.


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Dear friends! If you have any question, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

Figure skating camps of A.Ryabinin

Na Stínadlech 3280 CZ-41501 Teplice
+371 25926560


Address: LIELĀ IELA 19 - 2, MĀRUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40103994233
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV28HABA0551041782360 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater


Address: LIELA IELA 19 - 2, MARUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40203433245
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV58HABA0551053540451 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater

Application form