Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating Camps summer winter autumn spring 2024 ice skating camps in Europe, Russia, Asia.

upcoming camp in the city
Marianske Lazne
05.08.2024 — 24.08.2024
International School of Online Training for Figure Skaters

International School of Online Training for Figure Skaters

Ratings: 2. Ratings: 5.00 from 5

Online training for figure skaters at home! We have developed an online training course for you, which is aimed at developing physical abilities stayed at home. The training course consists of Physical training and special physical training provided by Alexander Ryabinin, classical choreography from the famous choreographer Marian Butkevich, stretching, and a special course in choreography from acrobatics coach Irina Prokofieva and stretching provided by the 2-time world champion in figure skating - Anna Beshenova. Training sessions are provided only by qualified and experienced specialists.

Detailed information about Online training sessions READ HERE:

Any questions by Whatsapp +37125926560 

Coaches of Online training sessions:

Trainer of Online training in general and special preparation - Alexander Ryabinin: A certified coach from St. Petersburg. Master of Sports of Russia in figure skating. Student of the Honored Coach of Russia Z. Ryabinina. Experienced specialist in multi-turn jumps, gliding, and spins technique. Read more...


Trainer of Online Stretching Training Anna Beshenova: a coach from St. Petersburg, master of sports of Russia in figure skating. Three-time champion of Russia. Two-time world champion. Experienced specialist in gliding and spins techniques.

Online choreography trainer - Marian Butkevics: Successful, outstanding and well-known Choreographer and ballet master of the Latvian Choreography School. Read more...
Trainer of Online training in choreography and stretching - Irina Prokofieva: Choreography and acrobatics. The head of the network of the Style Dance team. Honored teacher in Russia and abroad. Coach of Europe, Russia, and world champions.


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Dear friends! If you have any question, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

Figure skating camps of A.Ryabinin

Na Stínadlech 3280 CZ-41501 Teplice
+371 25926560


Address: LIELĀ IELA 19 - 2, MĀRUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40103994233
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV28HABA0551041782360 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater


Address: LIELA IELA 19 - 2, MARUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40203433245
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV58HABA0551053540451 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater

Application form