Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps WhatsApp WhatsApp WhatsApp
Figure Skating Camps | Ryabinin Camps

Figure Skating Camps summer winter autumn spring 2024 ice skating camps in Europe, Russia, Asia.

upcoming camp in the city
Marianske Lazne
05.08.2024 — 24.08.2024
Ice Skating Ryabinin Camps: reviews that inspire

Ice Skating Ryabinin Camps: reviews that inspire

Ratings: 1. Ratings: 5.00 from 5

The Ryabinin Camps Team is overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible amount of positive feedback we've received from our participants and their parents. Your kind words and enthusiastic support are a powerful source of motivation for our entire coaching staff, pushing us to work even harder to deliver an exceptional training experience.

Drawing from the feedback we've received, it's clear that Ryabinin Camps are in high demand because they offer a truly valuable and effective training program. Our camps are designed to help skaters of all levels improve their skills and techniques quickly and effectively. We are proud to see that our participants are making significant progress and achieving their goals, thanks to the dedication of our experienced coaches and the positive, supportive environment we create at each camp.

Here's just a glimpse of what our participants have to say about their Ryabinin Camps experience:

"My child has attended several Ryabinin Camps and has made incredible progress each time. The coaches are amazing and know how to connect with and motivate the skaters."
"The Ryabinin Camps are a great opportunity for skaters to learn from some of the best coaches in the world. The training is intense but rewarding, and the atmosphere is always positive and supportive."
"I would highly recommend Ryabinin Camps to any skater who is serious about improving their skills and taking their skating to the next level."
We are incredibly grateful for the trust you place in Ryabinin Camps, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the highest quality training experience possible.

Join us at the next Ryabinin Camp and see for yourself why our camps are so highly regarded by skaters and parents around the world!

Book your spot today!


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Dear friends! If you have any question, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

Figure skating camps of A.Ryabinin

Na Stínadlech 3280 CZ-41501 Teplice
+371 25926560


Address: LIELĀ IELA 19 - 2, MĀRUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40103994233
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV28HABA0551041782360 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater


Address: LIELA IELA 19 - 2, MARUPE, LV-2167
Registration No.: 40203433245
Bank name: SWEDBANK AS
Bank account: LV58HABA0551053540451 (EUR)
Purpose of payment: Name, a surname of the skater

Application form